個資告知聲明/Notification on Collecting Personal Information
文件名稱:保密切結書 | 機密等級:□普通 □內部使用 ■密 □機密 |
文件編號︰PIMS-D-02 | 版次︰1.1 |
五、您得就個人資料向學校業管單位依個人資料保護法行使以下權利,惟如符合法定例外事由,學校得依法拒絕您的權利行使(本校個資聯絡窗口:05-2267125 #21713):
吳鳳科技大學蒐集個人資料 告知聲明<--請點我!!
文件名稱:保密切結書 | 機密等級:□普通 □內部使用 ■密 □機密 |
文件編號︰PIMS-D-02 | 版次︰1.1 |
1. In order to attain the following objectives, WuFeng University (here after referred to as “the University”) shall collect your basic personal information, including student records, personal information related to the University, attendance appraisal, advanced training, salary gleaned from bank statements, course enrollment records, campus activities and other information required to perform school-related business (authorized categories include but are not limited to: code types of identification, characteristic, family, social conditions, education, examination, technique or other professionals, employment, health, etc.).
(1) Human Resource Management, including recruitment, resignation, employee profile, current position, education, work experience, examination distribution, long-term learning, training and development, performance evaluation, salary, attendance record, benefits, special background checks or other personnel practices
(2) Education or training administration
(3) Student information management, including graduations, completions
(4) Industry-academia cooperation
(5) Academic research
(6) Planning, supervision, evaluation and other types of research management
(7) Contracts, semi-contractual business, or matters related to legal relationships
(8) Insurance transactions
(9) Payment operations
(10) Items where there is a legal obligation to collect, process, and use personal data in accordance with relevant rules and regulations
(11) Investigation, statistics and research analysis
(12) Entry and exit point safety management
(13) Volunteer management
(14) Military service and substitute military service administration
(15) Healthcare and medical service
(16) Information, communication, and database management
2. In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, and in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, other relevant government laws and regulations, as well as related University legislation, personal information from your period of employment or study shall be used only within
the scope of school-related business such as data transmissions, school contact and communication, information delivery, insurance transactions, surveys, etc. (foreign students’ personal information will be sent to their native countries to be processed and used, if necessary).
3. For the purposes of managing the records of former workers or students, maintaining the management of personnel information or student records, resignations, retired faculty contacts, alumnus communication, and for survey analysis, your personal information will be kept on file after you have left or graduated from the University. Except where otherwise provided for by relevant rules and regulations, the University shall not share your personal information with third parties or make use of personal information for purposes that are beyond the scope of the afore mentioned objectives.
4. For alumnus communication and surveys, career counseling, and assistance in employment promotions, you must provide up-to-date personal information after leaving the University. New information kept on file shall only be used to achieve the afore mentioned objectives.
5. Except for legal exceptions where the University may, in accordance with the law, refuse your request, you may exercise the following rights in accordance with the “Personal Information Protection Act”(Contact telephone:05-2267125 #21713):
(1) Inquiry or request for a review of personal information
(2) Request to make duplications of personal information
(3) Request to supplement or correct personal information
(4) Request to discontinue collection, processing or using personal information
(5) Request to delete personal information
6. Withholding relevant personal information may impact certain school-related services and, as a result, may be detrimental to your interests.
7. If the University needs to collect and make use of personal information that is beyond the mandate of this declaration, except where otherwise stated by relevant rules and regulations, the University shall first obtain your written consent.
Notification on Collecting Personal Information by WuFeng University<--請點我!!
文件名稱:委外廠商/校外人士保密切結書 | 機密等級:□普通 □內部使用 ■密 □機密 |
文件編號︰PIMS-D-16 | 版次︰1.2 |
一、 蒐集之目的:辦理本校校務行政與學術相關業務之需求及其他符合本校章程所定業務之需要。
二、 蒐集之個人資料類別:識別類(例如:姓名、國民身分證統一編號、電話號碼、行動電話、通訊及戶籍地址、電子郵遞地址、單位、職稱)等。
三、 個人資料利用之期間、地區、對象及方式:
(一) 期間:個人資料蒐集之特定目的存續期間、依相關法令規定、契約約定或本校因執行業務所必須之保存年限。
(二) 地區:本國。
(三) 對象: 本校行政及教學相關單位。
(四) 方式:以自動化機器或其他非自動化之利用方式。
四、 依據個資法規定,臺端就本校保有臺端之個人資料得行使下列權利(本校聯絡方式05-2267125 #21713)。
(一) 查詢或請求閱覽。
(二) 請求製給複製本。
(三) 請求補充或更正。
(四) 請求停止蒐集、處理或利用。
(五) 請求刪除。
五、 臺端不提供個人資料所致權益之影響:
委外廠商/校外人士 告知聲明<--請點我!!